2013. június 29., szombat

2013. június 25., kedd

Swiss Press Photo 13

Michael Bucholzer - Winner "Sports" (Roger Federer)

Christian Brun - 3rd place "Current affairs"

For all the names, winners and participants check out the website of the Swiss Press Photo 13. The exhibition itself can be seen in the "Landesmuseum Zürich" (National Museum) till the end of this month. The museum is worth a visit anyway.

2013. június 22., szombat


While walking through the small streets of Zürich downtown, the special, very characteristic smell of "lángos" (a Hungarian speciality) approached us. We shortly followed our nose and there it was. A Swiss woman was making and selling "lángos" at the speciality market on Rosenplatz. We couldn't resist the smell and the temptation, though the way she was working with the dough was far away from the way it is made in Hungary - she was sticking the smaller pieces together on the table instead of moving the portion of dough around in the air similar to how the pizza dough is made. The taste was almost authentic, the consistency by far not. Anyway, it is nice try from a Swiss lady to make a Hungarian speciality.

2013. június 17., hétfő

Special Bites

Special Bites is a start-up business in Zürich, selling lactose and glutein-free cakes and cookies starting in August through a webshop. These pictures were taken during the tasting event. All delicious, especially the Orange-Almond Tiger cake and the Chocolate Chips cookie...