2013. szeptember 27., péntek


On top of our hill there is a farmer having thousands of apple trees. He is growing 280 types of apples. Some types only grow one piece, others grow many. Each fall he exhibits the fresh apples, each type comes into a separate small basket. Small and huge, deliciously smelling and some without any smell, different colours like green, yellow or red. Worth visiting and tasting.

2013. szeptember 26., csütörtök


With a couple days delay, but clean-up-day arrived to Baden as well. One class from my daughter's school was cleaning up a hillside between the train station and the river Limmat. It is a relatively small area, covered with trees (actually it is a forest). You would think that Switzerland is a tidy country. Maybe because littering is not on the streets where it is visible but in unvisible places ... The kids found 7 shopping trolleys and 2 traffic signs as well. It is all exhibited at the beginning of the pedestrian street near the train station.

2013. szeptember 24., kedd


It looks pretty much like that. Above Baden, Switzerland. Here's a related short film.

2013. szeptember 22., vasárnap

City of roses


Rapperswil is a charming small city at the lake of Zürich. It has many attractions, the medivial downtown being one of them. It is also called the city of roses, now you see why. 

2013. szeptember 21., szombat

2013. szeptember 18., szerda

The sky between storms

Storms and showers are coming and going just like in April (meaning usual April weather). It results in interesting and impressive clouds and beautiful lights.