2014. augusztus 16., szombat

Zurich Oerlikon

The MFO Park (Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon - machine factory Oerlikon) is a unique place, a green island in the middle of an industrial area, near the train station. Worth visiting.

2014. augusztus 9., szombat

European Athletics Championship

Everyone can be a champion ...

... it's easy like that

The House of Switzerland

Giant memory game

Volunteers' meeting

A couple days before the championships start you can go and enjoy what the sponsors offer for the crowd. You can put togeather your own Swiss army knife (for 35 CHF), test how far you can jump, try the flight simulator at the stand of Swiss or have a picture made as a pole jumper. It's all fun, don't miss it if you are in Switzerland, Zurich!

2014. július 7., hétfő

HIdden aliens

These alien-looking, sad figures are hiding on top of a building in Zürich, near Bürkliplatz.

2014. július 1., kedd

Copacabana Swiss style

There is a public viewing arena in the main station of Zürich. During the day anyone can chill there ...

2014. június 29., vasárnap

Rainbow - again

It has been a rainy day whit some sunshine between the rainy periods. At the end of the day the two  happened to combine: it was raining and the sun was shining at the same time. The result of this was a huge double rainbow.